Go Green

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

The rainy day

Today I'm going to talk about a rainy day, and what I did.

March 12, Friday, 2010:
It was pouring outside. My sisters and I went outside to enjoy the rain. Then, I found a single slug. It was a very white slug. My sisters and I found an old handle to a plastic bucket. We put the slug on the handle. Serena and I went on a hunt for more slugs. We found lots of worms. The whole handle was stuffed with two slugs and around ten worms. While Angel looked for more, Serena and I placed the handle in the garage. Then we saw our chalk. We made a boundary line that the worms and slugs couldn't cross. If they did, they would get run over by the van. Angel came back with a soaking wet cement heart-shaped mold. We suggested using the chalk box top instead. Serena and I kept collecting worms and slugs, until Angel eventually left. An hour or so later, Mama and Angel left to go to the store. Serena and I made a hospital for hurt worms. We also used the now dry heart-mold, and collected wet leaves, stones, and grass, for shelter and moisture for the worms and slugs. We even collected two wet sticks. By the time Angel and Mama came back from Walmart, Serena and I had collected 42 worms and slugs! Four slugs, and 38 worms.

Here are facts and names about some of the worms and slugs:
the Slugs

Ivory was our first slug that we found. She was mostly white.

Bullet had a strange whole on his left side; earning his name.

Mr. Slug:
A very small slug. ( He ran over a few worms.)

Ms. Slug:
Second smallest; very stubborn; Serena could hardly pick her up!

the Worms

Mr. Squiggles:
This worm kept squiggling, and twirling, and wiggling.

Dead Guy:
He wasn't really dead, but he was good at pretending to be!

Sandy got mostly run over by a car. Only her head wasn't squashed. She was also our first hospital member.

Little guy:
Our first worm, also very little.

Jet pack:
A very fast worm.

Little worm:
Very little.

Tiny worm:
Even littler.

Petite worm:
The littlest.

Long worm:
Very long.

Longer worm:
Even longer.

Longest worm:
The longest.

Big worm:
This guy was the fattest. He also ran over everybody, acting like top worm.

Green Guy:
The greenest worm you will ever see.

Halves broke in half, before, he was called pieces.

The other half of Halves. We thought he was dead at first. Also the whitest worm you will ever see.

This worm we found wiggling in a puddle. ALIVE.

I know this isn't 38 worms, but some of the others names I forgot. But no matter what I forget, I'll never forget that rainy day.

Until next time,

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The Green News

Hi! Welcome to the Green News! Every two weeks, check this section for new news. Today's headlines are:

Save The Saker!
Saker falcons are an endangered species.

The Saker falcon's preferred prey became extinct, and now, Saker falcon numbers are declining.

People are trying to save this bird, and its habitat, which is getting destroyed by people farming, and digging for oil.

To learn more about the Saker falcon, go to the post 'The Saker Falcon'.

Go Greener (a.k.a. Chiara).