Go Green

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Animal testing, and animal abuse.

Today I'm going to talk about animal testing and animal abuse.

Here are some animals that are tested on: mice, monkeys, cats, dogs, white rats, and rabbits. These animals are kept in tiny cages. People spray cleaners, shampoo, detergent, etc., into the animals eyes. People do this to make sure whatever they test on the animals is safe for people to use. However, there are several different accepted ways of testing that do not involve animals.

Some animals get blinded from getting sprayed in the eyes or from untreated infections. Some animals get sores.

Did you know cats get implants stuck to their heads? One cat had an implant on it's skull that held wires that went down her throat and in her stomach.

You probably have heard of dissecting frogs and worms, but did you know they do it to cats too? Here is an alternative: books. There are lots of books that show and talk about the insides of cats, frogs, and worms. There are also computer programs that can be used as well.

Once I saw duck liver cheese. Do you know how they got the liver out of the duck? One word: force-feeding. This is what happens. People put a tube down a duck's throat and into its stomach. Then, grains and fat go down into the duck's stomach. The duck gets bigger, and bigger, until the liver is ten times its normal size. Then, the duck is killed and its liver is removed. This happens when a duck is 8 to 10 weeks old. Now you know the truth behind duck liver cheese.

I feel bad for all of the abused and tested on animals. Here are 2 things you can do.
1.How to stop animal slaughter, and force-feeding: Go vegetarian.
2.How to stop animal testing: Buy cleaners, detergents, and shampoos, that aren't tested on animals. It'll say if it's not tested on animals, or you'll see a bunny icon on the product.

Until next time,

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The Green News

Hi! Welcome to the Green News! Every two weeks, check this section for new news. Today's headlines are:

Save The Saker!
Saker falcons are an endangered species.

The Saker falcon's preferred prey became extinct, and now, Saker falcon numbers are declining.

People are trying to save this bird, and its habitat, which is getting destroyed by people farming, and digging for oil.

To learn more about the Saker falcon, go to the post 'The Saker Falcon'.

Go Greener (a.k.a. Chiara).