Go Green

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Monday, November 16, 2009

Air Pollution

Today, I want to talk about air pollution, and some ways to help. Air pollution can be made by the following: Trucks, cigarettes, cars, machines, factories, trains, airplanes, jets, cargo ships, buses, and more.

Air pollution can be visible, and sometimes it's invisible! Air pollution can also hurt your eyes, throat, lungs, and can cause lip and tongue cancer. When a smoker smokes, it not only harms its lungs, but it harms other people's lungs, and lets pollution in the air. It also harms the Earth.

When smoke goes into the air, it raises the Earth's temperature. This is causing the ice in the Arctic and Antarctic to melt. When this happens, polar bears, penguins, seals, and walruses lose their homes.

When polar bears swim, they need to rest on ice burgs. But, with pollution melting ice, the polar bears end up drowning.

Here are a few ways to help prevent air pollution:
1. If you can, buy a hybrid.
2. Plant trees along the road.
3. Walk or ride a bicycle to get to close by places.
4. Don't smoke.

Until next time,

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The Green News

Hi! Welcome to the Green News! Every two weeks, check this section for new news. Today's headlines are:

Save The Saker!
Saker falcons are an endangered species.

The Saker falcon's preferred prey became extinct, and now, Saker falcon numbers are declining.

People are trying to save this bird, and its habitat, which is getting destroyed by people farming, and digging for oil.

To learn more about the Saker falcon, go to the post 'The Saker Falcon'.

Go Greener (a.k.a. Chiara).