Go Green

Welcome to Go Green Girl! I hope you like all the pictures and gadgets and lists I have on my blog. Enjoy reading my posts!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Superheros and books

I'm really into books and superheroes. So today, I'm going to write about my favorite superheroes and about my favorite superhero video game. I also will talk about a book I read recently.

My favorite DC superheroes (and villains) are Superman, Ivy, Flash, and Hawkgirl (not very many, I like a lot more Marvel characters). My favorite Marvel superheroes are Ms. Marvel, Deadpool, Venom, Storm, Thor, and Wolverine.

My favorite superhero video game is Ultimate Alliance 2. It has all of my favorite superheroes, and I am really good at beating all the bosses up to the Tinkerer.

Just recently, I read a book called Children of the Wild West. It talks about the journey to the wild west, Native Americans, frontier schools, celebrations, parties, games, and what chores a girl and boy would do. Anyway, I thought it was a really good book.

Until next time,

Monday, February 22, 2010


Today I'm going to write about penguins. In this article, I will talk about what penguins dine on, penguin predators, different species of penguin, and where penguins live.

Types of penguin

Emperor penguin:
The emperor penguin has a purple beak. It has yellow areas on the breast and on the sides of its head. The emperor penguin has a black back, feet, and eyes. It weighs 70 to 90 pounds. The emperor penguin is the largest penguin, and is 4 feet tall.

Chinstrap penguin:
The chinstrap penguin weighs 9 to 14 pounds and is 28 inches tall. The chinstrap penguin is named for the black line on its chin. Chinstrap penguins have black eyes and a black beak. They also have orange feet.

Little blue penguin:
This penguin has a bluish gray back and a dark gray beak. Its feet are pinkish. The little blue penguin is also called the fairy penguin. It is the smallest penguin and is 14 inches tall. It weighs from 2 to 4 pounds.

Rockhopper penguin:
The rockhopper penguin has red eyes and long yellow feathers that look like eyebrows. The feathers stick out from each side of its head. Its feet and beak are orange. It weighs 5 to 10 pounds and is 20 inches tall.

King penguin:
The king penguin is the second largest, and most colorful penguin. The king penguin's beak is long and black with orange on the sides. It has a golden breast and orange collar. Its eyes and feet are black. It weighs 30 to 40 pounds and is 3 feet tall.

Adelie penguin:
The adelie penguin weighs 8 to 14 pounds and is 28 inches tall. It has a white ring over its eye. Black feathers cover a lot of the short orange beak. It also has orange feet. This penguin has a long tail, that drags behind the adelie penguin as it totters.

Gentoo penguin:
The gentoo penguin has a white patch on its head. The feet are orange and the beak is red. It is 32 inches tall and weighs from 10 to 19 pounds. Gentoo penguins are the fastest swimmers and live in large colonies.

What these penguins eat

Emperor penguin:
The emperor penguin dives 900 feet deep, which enables it to catch large fish. It also eats Antarctic silverfish, different species of squid, Antarctic krill, and a variety of other fish.

Chinstrap penguin:
The chinstrap penguin mainly eat krill, but sometimes they eat small fish.

Little blue penguin:
Little blue penguins swim close to the shore. They hunt for squid and small fish during the day.

Rockhopper penguin:
The rockhopper penguin eats krill, small fish, and squid.

King penguin:
King penguins eat squid, krill, and other crustaceans. They also eat small fish, mainly lantern fish.

Adelie penguin:
The adelie penguin eats snow, instead of drinking water! A special gland on their nose takes the salt out of the sea water as they
swallow the fish they caught. They eat herbivorous zooplankton, krill, different kinds of fish, and phytoplankton.

Gentoo penguin:
Gentoo penguins eat mainly krill, and they also eat rock cod, lantern fish, and squid.

Predators of these penguins

Emperor penguin:
Leopard seals are a main predator, but any marine carnivore would eat one.

Chinstrap penguin:
The main predator of a chinstrap penguin is the leopard seal, but the main predators of their young, are the sheathbill and the brown skua.

Little blue penguin:
Since this penguin lives where people have settled, and it lives by shallow water, its predators are
foxes, dogs, and rats.

Rockhopper penguin:
The predators of rockhopper penguins are blue sharks, leopard seals, and fur seals.

King penguin:
The predators of king penguins are leopard seals and killer whales.

Adelie penguin:
The main predator of the adelie penguin is the leopard seal, which waits underwater to snatch the first penguin that goes into the water.

Gentoo penguin:
The predators of the gentoo penguin are leopard seals, killer whales, and sea lions.

Where these penguins live

Emperor penguin:
The emperor penguin lives in Antarctica.

Chinstrap penguin: Chinstrap penguins live on icebergs in the Southern ocean.

Little blue penguin:
Little blue penguins live on the southern shores of Australia and New Zealand.

Rockhopper penguin:
The rockhopper penguin lives on the islands north of Antarctica.

King penguin:
The king penguin lives on the islands north of Antarctica.

Adelie penguin:
These penguins live in Antarctica and small, coastal islands surrounding Antarctica.

Gentoo penguin:
The gentoo penguin lives near Antarctica. They breed in sub-antarctic islands.

I hope you liked all the facts about these penguins.

Until next time,

The Green News

Hi! Welcome to the Green News! Every two weeks, check this section for new news. Today's headlines are:

Save The Saker!
Saker falcons are an endangered species.

The Saker falcon's preferred prey became extinct, and now, Saker falcon numbers are declining.

People are trying to save this bird, and its habitat, which is getting destroyed by people farming, and digging for oil.

To learn more about the Saker falcon, go to the post 'The Saker Falcon'.

Go Greener (a.k.a. Chiara).