Go Green

Welcome to Go Green Girl! I hope you like all the pictures and gadgets and lists I have on my blog. Enjoy reading my posts!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Go Green Girl

I made this blog because I feel sad for all the animals that die everyday for their fur, horns, tusks, skin, meat, blubber, and fins. In Asian countries, sharks are “finned” and the rest of their bodies, often still alive, are dumped at sea. The fin is used to make shark's fin soup. It is more for tradition and a sign of prosperity to eat shark fin's soup than it is for taste.

In Africa, rhinos are killed for their horns. Just their horns! They believe that it has medicinal value. The northern white rhino of Africa hasn't been seen since 2006.
At that time, there were only 4 left in the wild.

Many animals are killed everyday. In one year alone, about 95 farm animals are killed to feed one non-vegetarian.

This blog will help you to understand the problems with the environment, how being vegetarian or vegan can help, and will also be filled with facts and funnies.

Until next time,

The Green News

Hi! Welcome to the Green News! Every two weeks, check this section for new news. Today's headlines are:

Save The Saker!
Saker falcons are an endangered species.

The Saker falcon's preferred prey became extinct, and now, Saker falcon numbers are declining.

People are trying to save this bird, and its habitat, which is getting destroyed by people farming, and digging for oil.

To learn more about the Saker falcon, go to the post 'The Saker Falcon'.

Go Greener (a.k.a. Chiara).